Forty-Two Indicate |
Tom |
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Scott bid's "30". Tom bid's "34" in "Fours", he can trump a "Five" and the "Six" leads to no game. John bid's "35" in "Treys", he can also trump a "Five" and the "Deuce" leads to no game. Also with three "Sixes" in his hand, the chances of getting the Six/Four with the Double Six lead are higher. Don "Passes". The first trick, John leads the Double Three , Trey/Blank , Trey/ Deuce , Trey/Ace follow. On the second trick, John leads the "Cow" Trey/Six , Don plays the Trey/Five , Scott plays the Deuce/Ace Indicating he has the Double Two , Tom plays the Ace/Blank , showing his partner that "Aces" can not be lead twice. Scott could have played the Double Five Indicating he has the Six/Five , John would know he could lead a "Six" or a "Five" Having the Double Six . Scott will "Indicate" his second choice at the next "Off-Suit" play. |