
Forty-Two Bidding


Min. 1st bid:
The first bid other than "Pass" is between "30" and "84" or "Two Marks".
("84" or "Two Marks" are different ways to say the same bid)

Max. bid: "Five Marks"
1st bidder opens with "84" or "Two Marks".
2nd bidder bids "126" or "Three Marks".
3rd bidder bids "168" or "Four Marks".
4th bidder bids "210" or "Five Marks".

Player Passes after Marks bid:
1st bidder opens with "84" or "Two Marks".
2nd bidder bids "Pass".
3rd bidder bids can only be "120" or "Three Marks", not "168" or "Four Marks".
4th bidder bids "162" or "Four Marks".
("84" or "Two Marks" is the only time a bid of "Marks" can be more than one Mark increase when bidding.)

Numbers VS Marks bid:
The number is equal to "42" times the number of "Marks".
"42" = One Mark"
"84" = Two Marks"
"126" = Three Marks"
"168" = Four Marks"
"210" = Five Marks"